Saturday, July 26, 2008

Why Your Skin Needs Moisture to Prevent Premature Aging

by Dr. Farid Mostamad

"Medical experts say that nearly seventy percent of a normal adult's body is made up of water. Thus, it should make sense that our skin needs moisture to help prevent it from drying out and wrinkling. Caring for your skin is not really difficult, with just a few basic components as a daily regimen that can keep it healthy and looking young. There are four steps that everyone, both men and women, should take to keep skin looking its best.
Cleanse for Anti-Aging
The first very important step to keeping your skin healthy and young-looking is to cleanse it on a regular basis. Facial skin, which can be damaged by dirt and other environmental factors, should especially be cleansed at least twice per day. Using a mild facial cleanser, such as Celazome Botanical Hydrating Cleanser, will ensure things such as dirt and pollution particles are removed from the skin to prevent it from being damaged.
Moisturize for Youthful Skin
Many people do not realize how important it is to moisturize the skin. From head to toe, a good moisturizer will prevent the skin from drying out. Even those with oily or acne prone skin do need to moisturize to keep skin hydrated and supple.
Moisturizers work to protect and repair the skin's barrier by retaining its water content and by increasing its ability to hold and retain water. It is a good idea to choose a balanced moisturizer with an SPF 15 or higher, such as Celazome Botanical Daily Moisturizer, which can provide long-lasting moisture, as well as help prevent free radical damage and premature aging.
Protect Your Skin
Whether it is cold weather or sunny weather, it is important to protect your skin from the elements. Especially when it is sunny, however, it is always a good idea to wear a hat or sun visor to prevent the skin from being sunburned. In very cold temperatures, a scarf or other face wrap should be used to cover up and prevent drying and cracking.
Anti-Aging Hydration
Using a cream moisturizer is not the only way that you should keep your skin hydrated. To really keep your skin healthy, beautiful, and looking as young as possible, medical experts and dermatologists recommend drinking eight glasses of water each and every day. Drinking eight glasses of water per day allows your body to moisturize itself from the inside out. This small change to your skin care regimen will make a big difference is a short amount of time. Starting a similar skin care regimen which include these steps and skin care products, such as those available from Celazome, will keep your skin healthy and looking young for many years to come. The earlier you start this process, the better. When you cleanse, moisturize, protect, and hydrate your skin, you will start to notice a difference in both how you look and how you feel. Aging is inevitable, but you can prolong the process with just a few simple and easy steps."
About the Author

Revive the glow of youthful skin through learning more about dermatological hydrotherapy and anti-aging skin care at, where all products are assessed based upon their scientific ingredients.

When It Comes To Skin Care Anti Wrinkle Cream is Key

by Emily Rae

One question that has been asked lately is how skin care anti wrinkle cream can lead to a healthy life. The answer is more complex than you might think, and challenges us to expand our ideas about health and healthy life.
Today more people are putting effort into their health. This includes making healthy decisions about what they eat, how they exercise, and how they live. We understand that a good life needs health, and that to be healthy we need to treat our bodies right. But one important aspect that is often overlooked is how we treat our skin. Even though our skin is as much a part of our body as anything else, there are many who lead otherwise healthy lives but neglect this important aspect of full-body health. It may surprise you to know that proper use of skin care anti wrinkle cream can be as much a part of your healthy lifestyle as anything else!
Though your skin is often overlooked, it is actually a vital part of your body. The surface of your skin is the body's largest organ, and is responsible for the protection of your muscles and other organs. It is responsible for regulating your body's temperature, for synthesizing the vitamin D you need to function, and the protection of vitamin B folates. Most importantly, it is our organ that interfaces with our surroundings, coming in contact with the pathogens that exist around us. In short, it keeps bad things out, and good things in. So correct use of anti wrinkle creams and lotions don't just work to combat the visible effects of aging skin, they work to ensure you keep healthy skin and a healthy body.
By introducing nutrients into your body through skin care anti wrinkle cream, you are doing much more than simply treating the outside of your body. Absorbing these nutrients through your pores, healthy use of skin care anti wrinkle cream not only rejuvenates your skin, it provides your body with the nutrients you need to live in comfort and health. Think about it: you care about what you put into your body when you eat. You care about what you are coming into contact with in the world. Why shouldn't the nutrients that you absorb into your body be just as important? By controlling your nutrient intake to provide your skin with the vitality it needs to perform, you aren't just helping your skin, you're helping your whole body to function as it should.
As we continue to devote energy to our bodies and our selves, it's important to understand that every part of us has a function. If even one part of us is suffering from the effects of ill-health, our whole bodies will feel it. Health isn't just about looking good, it's about feeling good, and having the vitality to pursue active, healthy lives. By neglecting skin care, you may be neglecting the aspect of your health that will help regulate against disease, and protect your body from the wear and tear of an active lifestyle. Consider including anti wrinkle creams and lotions into your regiment of whole-body health today - after all, if your beauty is not only skin deep, why should your health be?
About the Author

Emily Rae is a dedicated researcher of Natural Health, Natural Nutrition and Natural Anti Aging Skin Care. To find her results on Natural Anti Aging Skin Care for the best wrinkle free younger looking skin please click on her Website:

The Secret Of Youth Is An Anti Wrinkle Firming Cream

by Emily Rae

Younger skin, longer life. Too much to ask from your anti wrinkle firming cream?
Since the beginning of civilization, humanity has chased the dream of longer life. The ancient Egyptians would mummify their dead pharaohs, believing that if the skin remained intact the spirit would live on. In 1513, when Conquistador Juan Ponce de Leon made an ocean voyage to present-day Florida, it was rumored that he was in pursuit of the Fountain of Youth. In our myths and legends, longer life has always appeared to be just out of reach - but is there any truth to these claims?
Even though aging is a natural phenomenon, there is no reason it cannot be combated naturally. Aging effects are the result of cellular deterioration in the body, a process that affects everything from hair loss to sagging skin.
While applying an anti wrinkle firming cream, you might think that all you are doing is firming up otherwise aging skin, to give the appearance if not the actual state of youthfulness. But thanks to developments in natural cell rejuvenation technologies, the option now exists to "de-age" your skin, by replenishing your ailing cells with the nutrients they need to maintain youth and radiance. These anti aging wrinkle creams do not simply cover over the effects of aging, but actually work to make skin younger and healthier!
Due to the inclusion of such vitamin-like substances as Coenzyme Q10, a substance present in all cellular tissue in our bodies, these creams combat aging effects in a variety of ways. Acting as a protective screen from the harmful effects of UV rays of the sun, these creams serve a preventative measure by lessening skin damage and wear. Due to the inclusion of antioxidants, free radicals that would cause further damage to your skin health are removed. Most remarkably, Coenzyme Q10 directly enhances skin growth activity, and has been scientifically proven to increase elastin and collagen levels within healthy skin. Look for these agents in your anti wrinkle firming cream for best results.
Now you can demand more from any anti wrinkle firming cream you choose. Younger, healthier skin doesn't have to be a myth - today, it's a scientific reality. Look for Coenzyme Q10 in the skin care creams available to you, and don't settle for a cream that simply covers up the effects of aging. By just covering up the effects of aging, you are addressing a symptom, rather than the cause itself. With today's anti aging wrinkle creams, you can prolong cell life, and have healthier skin for longer.
About the Author

Emily Rae is a dedicated researcher of Natural Health, Natural Nutrition and Natural Anti Aging Skin Care. To find her results on Natural Anti Aging Skin Care for the best wrinkle free younger looking skin please click on her Website:

Sunday, July 20, 2008

Antiaging Skin Care: What Will Tell My Children

by Ashley Canfield

Antiaging Skin Care is one of the most researched health care issues online. Yet, it's amazing that most people don't know that our skin is the largest organ in our body and needs to have the same special care we give all our other important organs. One of the most important things we can do for ourselves is to perform some simple skin care procedures every day.
We know that there are some people who just seem to have beautiful skin while others feel they need plastic surgery and other invasive procedures to provide them with what they hope will give them the natural look they want, but with modern beauty products that is not necessarily the case.
After much scientific research today's antiaging skin care products are able to do amazing things in helping keep our skin looking healthy. The first thing is becoming aware of the fact you need to start treating your skin right and finding skin products that are a perfect match to your skin type since everyone has their own unique PH skin balance. A little research on the internet or at your favorite department store cosmetic section will help you find the best products for you. If you want to research it in more depth, consult a qualified health care practitioner. Ask about the use of Aloe Vera Products. They do wonders.
Once you have found your perfect product you need a daily routine. The first step in any antiaging skin care routine is making sure your skin is clean. Years ago my Dermatologist told me to never use a wash cloth on my face but to gently massage my cleanser or mild soap into my skin in circular motions using my finger tips and then splashing warm water over my face to rinse off. Be sure to pat your skin with a soft towel to dry it.
The next step is to follow your products recommendations usually treating your skin with a skin toner followed by a moisturizing cream or lotion. It is also recommended that you use an exfoliant or natural peel once or twice a week to remove any dead skin cells. You must then remember to cleanse and use a toner on your skin or the exfoliant may not be completely removed.
Now that you've taken care of your outer skin it is important for you to realize using the right skin products is only part of the solution, the other part is having a healthy diet. Remember the old saying, "We are what we eat."� It is a truism! It is through proper diet and nutrition, eating foods that are rich in vitamin A, C & F, that helps maintain that healthy look you are trying to achieve. Research the nutraceutical companies that provide natural products specifically formulated for anti-aging skin care. But, by all means, research these companies thoroughly.
Antiaging skin care is continuously growing as an important part of our life because, with all the advances in the areas of Bio-Technology and Nano-Technology, it's predicted that we could live to be 110 to 115 years old. As you can imagine, with all the wear-and-tear as a result of pollution like dust, bacteria, toxins, etc. - that's a lot of years of wear and tear on this important organ. Know this: The "wanting to look good"� issue for any or all of us never changes, regardless of age.
About the Author

Ashley Canfield has been an entrepreneur in the health and wellness industry for over 20 years. Here knowledge range is broad and deep in the areas of aging, health, and wellness

Antiaging Skin Care - Collagen Who?

by Johanna Myers

Antiaging skin care articles have a Ms. Collagen that appears every time. After researching on how Ms. Collagen has such a vital affect on our skin I decided to look her up in the dictionary. Their definition of her is "a fibrous protein found in connective tissue, bones, and cartilage."
To understand just what part Ms. Collagen plays in the antiaging skin care cycle we have to delve into what makes her so important. Collagen is the main supporting substance that's produced in the dermis or inner skin. Collagen formation and breakdown takes place inside that inner skin lying beneath the thin outer skin called the epidermis. In younger people the collagen is firm and abundant. Unfortunately as we grow older, the collagen structure begins to fall away creating wrinkles, deeper creases, that horrible sagging neck, and those baggy areas around the eyes. Increasing collagen loss also causes the elderly to bruise more easily and to be subject to skin tears.
Is there something we can do to minimize the negative affect that this breakdown of collagen has on our skin? The answer is yes. A great study published by some University of Michigan scientists that gives us hope. Their research has shown that as our skin ages, there is an increased production of the enzyme collagenase which breaks down collagen. Fibroblasts (cells in the skin that are the main producers of collagen) are an important part in firm and healthy skin. If they lose their normal stretched state they can actually collapse resulting in additional breakdown enzymes being produced. In one of their studies they tested lotions containing retinal, a form of vitamin A, and found it reduced wrinkles and skin roughness by promoting new collagen. There are also professional procedures available such as topical retinoic acid or injections of cross-linked hyaluronic acid. Collagen injections, derived from the skin of cows, works by puffing up the lower skin levels, stretching the outer level, thus helping to remove wrinkles and fine lines. It is important to note, that collagen gels, derived from the skin of cows, does not work when applied directly to the skin as the skin pores cannot absorb it. You would need to talk to your health care professional about this antiaging skin care treatment or any others, for that matter.
If you are looking for products that are alternatives to chemically created ingredients look for natural skin care products. Botanical or natural skin care products are created from plant extracts. One ingredient to look for in natural skin care products is keratin. Cynergy TK is a patented form of keratin which tests have shown stimulated collagen growth, regenerate elastin and increase production of new skin cells.
There is always that big question, "What should I look for in an anti-aging skin care product?" The first word of advice I would give is to be very cautious. Finding a good product on the internet can be difficult as you need to be able to evaluate whether there are any ingredients listed in the fine print on the label that might be harmful. An example of one of these ingredients is the preservative Parabens. Although it is believed to drive cancer tumor growth there are some companies still using it in their anti-aging skin care creams. I would say your best bet would be to research any product you intend to buy or to talk to an expert at your local vitamin or health food store. Whatever you decide to do start today as every month you wait has Ms. Collagen crying for help.
About the Author

Aging and Performance are on a crash course with biotechnology and the future of looking, feeling, and performing better at every age has never looked better. Get your FREE COPY of the heralded Antiaging Special Report at

Anti Aging Cream or Wrinkle Creams

by JR

Anti Aging cream or Anti Wrinkle Cream, are they the same?
You make the call.
Aging is a part of our lives. The great headlines are that, it doesn't have to show on each and every one of our faces. We can feel as new as you look with anti-aging product lines. Locate top of the line products that protects you from sun damage to your skin. Find targeted formulas that support both women and men. The years to come can be great and there's no need to fear them because of the Anti Aging Creams Formulas. The time can be turned back with some dedication to your skin, body and mind.
The sun is truly harmful to our skin. So it's most important that we prevent the damage now before it's too late. Apply your toners, face creams, hand creams, eye creams, Wash and facial Serum. With the proper steps your face and body can feel and look good. Summer is upon us and the weather is getting hotter. So please protect your skin.
Aging creams have betahydroxy acids which have a peeling affect. Retinol has been shown to have a rejuvenating affect. But I say check the product first. Also you can go to the American Anti Aging Association for more info.
Here are a few tips for Anti aging Creams and Anti Wrinkle Creams.
Locate products that address the before an after effects of sun exposure to the skin. You want a product that can provide long term benefits. Find product line which steps starts from the beginning of the day to the end. There are a few good ones out there which will address your needs. Also I have found several lines who provides free samples of there products so you can try them before you buy. You just pay Shipping and handling.
Which Wrinkle Cream Is best for you and recommended by Dermatologist? Please post.
Caracol Cream, Renova, Arbonne, Mary Kay, Avon, Avene, and Mac.

Thursday, July 17, 2008

A True Story And Healthy Skin

by Zita Parekh

If your goals include achieving optimal health, a more youthful appearance and a better quality of life, wouldn't it be great to know some of the best skincare solutions that can reclaim your smooth, fresh, youthful complexion and have you waking up every morning looking your best?
Here's a true story. On a recent visit to my hometown in Lithuania, I was reminded by my half sister about a woman we used to know who one day went to her old family doctor complaining of a stomachache. After she described her symptoms, the old doctor peered over his glasses and simply said: "Go see an eye doctor." The woman was stunned. "But, doctor," she said, "I have a stomachache. There's nothing wrong with my eyes." The doctor was adamant. "I am telling you," he said. "Go and see optician." When the woman asked why, the doctor replied: "You have to see an eye doctor in order to see better what you are eating!"
His advice is a good lesson for all of us. If we all looked really closely at the food we are eating every day and thought seriously about what we're putting into our systems, there would be far less sick people in the world. And we all would have healthy and glowing skins.
Non-invasive anti-aging treatments have become very popular these days. But skin care treatments do not require any surgical procedures. All we have to do is find better ways of managing our daily lives. The most natural and recommended way is to eat a well balanced diet combined with exercising and relaxation techniques, all of which will go a long way toward avoiding stress and are far more effective and far less expensive than opting for a surgical remedy or getting Botox injections. Botox injections, for example, cost approximately $400 each, can take up to three weeks before any results are seen and must be repeated every four to six months. In some women, however, these procedures can cause severe and unforeseen scarring and freezing of the facial tissue. Natural face care, on the other hand, will leave your skin healthy, rejuvenated, refreshed and beautiful without the pain and suffering.
Do a little research and choose what is suitable for your particular skin. If a therapist does little more than try to sell you the most expensive anti-aging skin treatment without giving you any other options, you should seriously think about going somewhere else for advice. While learning more about the ingredients is the most important thing you can do when considering anti-aging treatments, always keep in mind that natural ingredients do not irritate the skin or have any negative side effects.
I'm not against the concept of anti-aging. We all want to stay active and healthy well into the later years of our lives. But to do that, we have to adopt a healthy lifestyle, and beautiful looking skin requires an on-going commitment to daily skin care. You can stay healthy and beautiful with antioxidants and protect your body by eating fruits and vegetables. With a healthy lifestyle and periodic maintenance, youth and beauty can be sustained for a long time.
I've personally spent many years looking for solutions to stay as young and beautiful as I can, and because I have adopted a healthy lifestyle, I actually stopped wearing foundation now that my skin is so smooth and lovely. I also discovered some secrets that plastic surgeons will never tell you.