Wednesday, December 17, 2008

No-frills System to Keep Skin Looking Young

There are lots of products and methods out there that give techniques and advice on how you can keep your skin looking youthful. A lot of them would require purchasing certain products and these may not exactly be a match to your skin needs. What most people need are just ways to keep skin looking young without the frills or purchases. This system is really simple and it will not take any more of your time or hard-earned money.

Skin is actually a very sensitive organ and it doesn't matter whether you're thin or fat - it's still skin that responds to certain factors. It's condition is a reflection of how you take care of yourself as a whole and this includes your overall disposition. Simply put, good youthful skin begins with your lifestyle. For simplicity, here's a list of some of the things that have a direct effect on your skin: sleep, diet, environment, daily habits, and disposition.

The methods are simple. First, get enough sleep and that means good sleep. This will keep those eyebags at bay and will make your skin less saggy. Next, eat well with plenty of fruit and vegetables where you can get the vitamins and antioxidants that will make your skin glow and generate new cells. Make sure your diet is balanced. The conditions in your immediate environment also affects skin. If you stay out in the sun a lot, your skin will get damaged and the sun also makes you squint, deepening your brow furrows until they're too deep to snap back into smoothness. On the other hand, too little sun will also make your skin unhealthy.

Stay away from areas where you can come in contact with airborne pollutants and create free-radical havoc on your skin. And now that we've mentioned pollutants, it also pays to consider doing away with luxury and lifestyle habits like smoking, which also destroys cells with toxins. Smoke also irritates your skin and your eyes, making your face look drawn. If you tend to be unhappy, it shows on your skin as frown lines and the effects of gravity are more evident. A little smile goes a long way and maintaining a happy attitude will take years off your skin even if you're seventy years old!

The advice given here may sound simple, but they are really useful and work having been proven through the years. What really good about them is it costs you nothing and you even save some money if you follow them. No need for special lotions, creams, and exfoliation. They will definitely give you new skin!